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Our sage have taught us (Sota 8:)  מדה כנגד מדה, literally , in the measure that a person measures with,Shamayim measures back to him. Similarly, it is taught (Sanhedrin 90a) that all of the middos of Hakodosh Baruch Hu are middah k'neged middah. Furthermore, it is written (Beraishis Rabbah 9) Rabbi Shimon bar Abba said, "Behold, it was very good" (Genesis 1:31). This is the quality of good [present in the world]. "AND behold it was very good." This is the quality of punishment [present in the world]. And is punishment very good? Impossible! Rather, when Hashem is about to bring punishment, He is careful about how He brings it. Rabbi Simon said, in the name of Rabbi Shimon bar Abba, "All rules [regarding punishment] have been canceled; the only one that was not canceled is measure-for-measure. Rav Huna says in the name of Rabbi Yosi, “ At the beginning of the Creation of the world Hakadosh Baruch Hu saw that by the measure one measures others, s/he will be measured. Therefore, Chachamim said, "And behold it was very good." This (now) refers to the good measure.


Furthermore, the Ran (Drush Shelishi) adds that  Hakdosh Baruch Hu wanted a person’s reward to come in a way that is directly related to his positive efforts. A person will recognize that nothing comes randomly; rather Hakduch Baruch Hu is directing his life, he will then know that Hashem is bestowing his divine providence with full intention to reward a person for his good actions. We see from here that middah k'neged middah is not a concept in regard to negative consequences alone, rather also to positive rewards that Hashem bestows upon a person in this world.


Therefore, this initiative of Binyan Adei Ad is most praiseworthy as it is known that many bnos Yisrael are awaiting their proper zivug. Especially here in North America, some find their shidduchim situation quite challenging. On the other hand, there are many kallahs among us and in Eretz yisrael that are missing basic necessities to get married. Therefore, if people would accept upon themselves to help marry off a kallah, in this merit Hashem should send them, middah k'neged middah, that they will see  their own daughters getting married as well.


Rabbi Shlomo Miller

Rosh Kollel Avreichim Toronto

Rabbi Gershon Bess

Rov Kehillas Yaakov Los Angeles

Rabbi Baruch Yehuda Gradon

Rosh Kollel Merkaz Hatorah Los Angeles


I heard from my teacher, my father-in-law, the sar of Torah, advice and a segulah for a yeshuah that a person needs: He should involve himself in the mitzvah of precisely what he needs a yeshuah for. As we find by the midwives Shifra and Puah who raised the Jewish babies, in this zechus Hashem made for them houses and they were zocheh to have offspring like Moshe Rabbeinu, Aron Hacohen, and Dovid Hamelech. This was Middah K'neged Middah in the zechus that they built houses of Israel by saving the newborn boys. Therefore, how wonderful is the organization Binyan Adei Ad that inspires the tzibur to the mitzvah of hachnosas kallah. That is one of the mitzvos for which a person eats from its fruit even in this world. And b’vadai all partners in this great mitzvah will be zocheh to see much nachas and binyan adei ad from their offspring, and will merit generations of blessings.


Yitzchok Koledtezksty


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